Recent Water Damage Posts

Catching A Leak Early

5/29/2024 (Permalink)

Catching a water leak early is crucial for minimizing damage and preventing costly repairs. Here are some tips for detecting water leaks early:

1. **Regular Inspections:** Conduct regular inspections of your property, paying attention to areas where leaks are more likely to occur, such as under sinks, around appliances (like dishwashers and washing machines), near water heaters, and along plumbing fixtures and pipes.

2. **Check Water Bills:** Monitor your water bills for any unexpected increases, as this could be a sign of a hidden leak. If your water usage suddenly spikes without explanation, it's worth investigating further.

3. **Inspect Walls and Ceilings:** Look for signs of water damage, such as water stains, discoloration, peeling paint or wallpaper, or bulging walls or ceilings. These could indicate a hidden leak behind the walls or above the ceiling.

4. **Check for Mold or Mildew:** Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments, so if you notice any musty odors or visible mold growth, it could indicate a water leak nearby. Investigate the source of the moisture and address it promptly to prevent further damage and potential health issues.

5. **Listen for Dripping Sounds:** Sometimes, you can hear the sound of dripping water even if you can't see the source of the leak. Take the time to listen for any unusual sounds, especially near plumbing fixtures and pipes.

6. **Use a Water Leak Detection Device:** Consider installing water leak detection devices, such as sensors or smart water leak detectors, which can alert you to leaks as soon as they occur. These devices can help you catch leaks early, even when you're not at home.

7. **Inspect Exterior Water Sources:** Check outdoor faucets, hoses, and irrigation systems for leaks or signs of damage. Make sure all connections are tight and hoses are properly maintained to prevent leaks.

8. **Monitor the Water Pressure:** Fluctuations in water pressure could indicate a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. If you notice sudden changes in water pressure, it's worth investigating further to rule out any leaks.

By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures to detect water leaks early, you can minimize damage, reduce the risk of mold growth, and save money on costly repairs. If you do discover a leak, address it promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the long-term integrity of your property.

One Team, One Goal in Your Restoration | SERVPRO of Sumter

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Sumter is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

Disasters are often overwhelming, and it can seem insurmountable sometimes to stare at your damaged home and not know what to do first.

It doesn’t matter whether Mother Nature dealt a huge blow to your home or an appliance busted and poured water all over your home, recovery is necessary and it should happen quickly.

SERVPRO of Sumter is here to help! Our team will take over your entire recovery process and help you overcome any sort of damage that you are faced with.

The Realities of Disasters

Different disasters can impact our community in various ways, but they can all be frustrating to deal with. Weather can be unpredictable, water lines can break without warning or fires can start even if you do everything right.

The problem with certain home disasters is that they can quickly lead to other problems in your house. Heavy rain can infiltrate your rooms, but that can quickly lead to structural damage and even stubborn mold infestations. A fire can start in your kitchen but then lead to residual soot and smoke odors all over your home.

The compounding damages after an initial disaster can sometimes be worse than the original situation! Recovering after a water, fire or storm disaster should always become your top priority after it happens.

Our highly trained team can help you navigate the complicated world of disaster recovery with confidence. We will get right to work as soon as you call us!

A Single Team, a Complete Restoration

Disasters never happen when it is convenient, which is why we are available 24/7 to respond to your call for help. We fully understand the time-sensitive nature of certain situations, which is why we will jump right into action to help you recover.

Our certified experts are constantly learning and developing their skills to ensure we can tackle whatever your restoration requires. We can handle natural and manmade disasters no matter how extensive they are. Our business is also locally owned and operated, which means that we have extensive experience helping our community overcome many different kinds of home and property damage situations.

When your roof is damaged in a strong storm, we will work quickly to secure your roof with tarps while also removing your possessions out of the affected room. If your home floods, we will prioritize removing the standing water while also working saving your soft or fragile possessions from further damage.

Our crew is even talented enough to tear down and rebuild entire sections of your home that were damaged beyond repair. We can truly do it all for you and your family.

Another benefit of working with us is that you are only working with us! Our team can handle every aspect of your recovery, so you don’t have to worry about navigating multiple contracts, companies and agreements along the way.

With highly trained staff, industry-leading equipment and around-the-clock availability, we are ready for you whenever you need us. We can promise that sunnier days are right around the corner!

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Suspect a Water Leak? Here’s Where to Look | SERVPRO of Sumter

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Sumter to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

We all rely on the water that flows through our homes every day, but we need it to stay contained in our pipes and in our drains! No one wants to suffer a water leak, but unfortunately, they happen often all across our community.

While a simple spill can be cleaned up quickly, water leaks that have been happening for a while or gone unnoticed can cause serious damage all across your home.

Knowing where to start looking for the source of water leaks can help you stay in control and minimize as much damage as possible. Start by checking these common spaces where water leaks often start.

Under Sinks and Cupboards

We are at risk of suffering water leaks every time we turn on a tap to wash our hands or to rinse off a dish. As that water goes down the drain, it passes through waterlines and connections that could experience damage or wear and tear at any time.

If a leak starts under your sink, it can quickly work its way through your cupboards and into your floors before it is discovered. Get in the habit of checking your water lines whenever you are cleaning and address any signs of aging or issues right away by tightening loose connections or replacing seals.

Under and Behind Appliances

We all have at least one appliance in our homes that helps make life a little easier. Dishwashers, washing machines and our fridges play such a vital role in our busy lives! However, they can also malfunction at any point and cause serious water leaks.

We don’t often move around heavy appliances, which means that water leaks could be happening behind or beneath an appliance for a while without you knowing. Try to pull your appliances away from the wall regularly to check for water spots, mold growth or visible puddles.

Beneath Your Floors or Behind Walls

You probably don’t think about it often, but you have waterlines running behind many of your walls and under your feet. These lines are in charge of bringing all of the water in and out of your house, and they, too, can leak at a moment’s notice.

The trouble with these types of leaks is that they are not immediately apparent or visible to the naked eye. If you start to notice an earthy odor or a dark spot appears on your wall, it’s time to do a little more investigating.

Checking Around Windows

Condensation can appear whenever the temperature changes drastically in comparison to the temperature inside your home. Over time, that condensation can linger on your windows and drip down onto your window sill and warp the wood.

Moisture can also sneak its way through tiny gaps or cracks around your window casings. If you have a draft problem or notice the carpet is wet after every rainstorm, you might need to address some window repairs.

While we can do our best to prevent water damage, it’s not always possible. Call SERVPRO of Sumter for a quick and reliable restoration. We will remove all of the standing water, address structural repairs and make sure you recover completely.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO® for a quick restoration.

Don’t Let Standing Water Stand in Your Way | SERVPRO of Sumter

12/1/2023 (Permalink)

concrete floor tiling with large cracks and water on it Has water damage infiltrated your business? Give SERVPRO of Sumter a call to get that resolved!

It’s another regular morning on your way to work, and you probably don’t think twice as you open doors and turn on the lights, but a musty odor or stepping into a puddle will surely stop you in your tracks. Is it a water leak or a massive water disaster?

This is certainly an unnerving scenario, and one that can come with a lot of consequences and subsequent steps in the immediate aftermath.

Whether your water disaster comes from a plumbing failure, a natural disaster or a simple water leak gone unaddressed, a quick restoration is always needed for a full recovery. We explain some easy ways to tackle standing water in your business so you can recover faster.

The First Few Steps

Finding your business flooded can be an overwhelming and even scary experience. Try to stay calm and follow these easy steps in order to get your space back in order right away and to prevent serious mold issues.

1. Stay safe. You should always put your safety and your employees’ safety first during an emergency situation. Avoid walking through the water, and get to a dry spot to evaluate your situation. Call SERVPRO® immediately so we can get started on your restoration plan, and take some images of the damage to help make your claims process easier along the way.

2. Control the disaster. The longer water sits on your floor, the worse the damage can become. This is why we want you to locate the source of the leak so you can stop the flow of water. Shut off the appropriate water valve, or close the connection right away. If you can’t track down where the water is coming from, shut off the main water valve to your entire building just to be on the safe side.

3. Start the drying process. Floodwater can be dangerous or even be harboring toxic substances, so stay out of the water and avoid touching it if possible. Open some windows to start ventilating the area, and close off the affected space to keep out staff and customers.

Working With Our Restoration Team

Once we arrive, a few things will happen at once. We will get started on getting the excess water out while completing a total assessment of your building to get a better understanding of the extent of the damage. We will also make first contact with your insurance company to get your insurance claims process started.

We will handle your restoration so you can focus on keeping your business functioning however you are able to. If we can, we will section off the area that needs repairs so you can stay open in any capacity!

As you handle the safety and well-being of your crew, we will handle the drying process. We will make sure your building is restored back to its preloss condition as quickly as possible, ensuring it is safe, clean and ready to open back up for business.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Water Damage Protection in All Seasons | SERVPRO of Cookeville/Carthage/Smithville/Woodbury

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

Interior of home kitchen damaged by a flood water full of goods. Is your home experiencing water damage? No worries, we are here to help. Contact SERVPRO of Cookeville/Carthage/Smithville/Woodbury today.

Water is one of the leading causes of home damage across the nation. It can strike year-round in a number of different ways, and it can even hide out long-term. Water moves quickly and creates compounded damage, too—making it a truly challenging disaster for a homeowner to deal with. 

There are plenty of ways we can protect our homes from water damage, though. Even when it comes to natural disasters! You may not be able to prevent floodwaters, but you can prepare for them and mitigate your losses. 

Each season, take some time to protect your home from water damage. Add a few things to your seasonal to-do list that can go a long way to keeping your home dry. 

Spring and Summer

If you are a big spring-cleaner, you may not be super excited to add more to your to-do list for the season, but the good news is that protecting your home from water damage is actually pretty simple. There is also a good chance you are already doing a few of these housekeeping things, too.

Clean your gutters early in the spring in order to ensure rain can run through them easily. Make sure your downspouts are clear as well, and check around your home to ensure your landscaping slopes away. 

Uncover your outside faucets in early spring and let some water run through them. Check for drips, unusual flow or any other issues so that you can correct it quickly. 

During the summer, keep a close eye under your sinks and all around your bathrooms. With the addition of a high humidity in the weather outside, a small drip inside can quickly become a large mold problem. Check for musty smells, wet spots or slow drainage, which are all signs you could have a bigger problem. 

If you are going on vacation over the summer, be sure to prepare your home ahead of your trip. Set your air to a steady temperature to avoid too much moisture inside, and consider having someone stop by every few days to walk-through your home so that you don’t come back to a surprise flood. 

Fall and Winter

We may not talk about it as much, but fall cleaning is just as important as spring-cleaning in order to prevent damage during the cold season. Some of what you need to do to prevent water damage in the fall and winter is the same as spring and summer. Clean your gutters, check your downspouts and make sure your yard is in good shape. 

Checking under sinks and around other water lines should be another piece of maintenance that you do year-round, but in the fall and winter, you want to pay particular attention to your pipes to prevent potential freezing. Make sure your pipes are well-insulated, allow them to drip when the temperatures take a dive and consider turning off the water to your outside faucets if you are able. 

Take a look at the insulation in your attic during the fall and make sure there is enough—particularly in the corners. We do not see a lot of snow in our area during the winter, but ice is always possible. A well-insulated attic can help stop rainwater that may be on your roof or in your gutters from freezing, which will prevent water seeping in from the roof down. 

Spend a little time each season protecting your home from water damage. With some simple home maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs. 

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us for fast restoration.

Overcoming Water Damage With SERVPRO by Your Side | SERVPRO of Sumter

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Sumter right away.

Whether you actively think about it or not, water is an essential part of a smoothly functioning household. We need it to wash clothes and dishes, make food and even give the family car a thorough washing in the driveway.

While we need water to help us get through our days, it also has the potential to cause significant issues and damages if an accident or damage occurs to your home. In addition to regular everyday mishaps, the flooding issues in Sumter County have already contributed to some water issues this year across the area.

Preparing for disasters can help you avoid certain water damage situations, but avoiding water damage altogether just isn’t possible at times. Our SERVPRO of Sumter team explains more below about water damage and how we can help dry out your space.

The Drying Process

Controlling water damage is all about your timing. The faster you identify the problem and the faster you move to dry up the water, the better chance you have of avoiding extensive or lasting damages. Locating the source of the leak is a good first place to start.

If the leak is coming from an appliance or pipe malfunction, turn off the water valve to stop the flow of water. If the leak is caused by damage to your roof or a situation with Mother Nature, you may just have to wait until the storm or threat has passed before evaluating your situation.

Remember, walking through standing water is never advised. This is especially true inside your home as electrical wires or electricity can make the water dangerous or even deadly.

Once you have taken these measures to protect your home and your family, give SERVPRO of Sumter a call. Our team is here 24/7, and we will jump into action for you right away.

Our Drying and Repair Plan

While we are chatting about your current situation, take some photos of the affected area. This not only helps us form our recovery plan for you, but it also helps the insurance claim process much smoother if there is evidence of the disaster.

Once we have our plan ready, we will head your direction! Our team will simultaneously work on drying up the water with our air movers and blowers as well as locating and stopping the leak. We will also ensure that the affected space is sanitized and deodorized before we are done.

Now that your space is dry, we can tackle the repairs! We are trained to handle everything from minor repairs to full reconstructions and rebuilds of rooms or levels of your home.

It doesn’t take much water at all to cause problems. If you discover even an inch of water or a water spot near your ceiling, call SERVPRO of Sumer right away to avoid long-term issues and more costly damages.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

Protecting Your Home When It Starts to Flood | SERVPRO of Sumter

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Sumter on the case!

We can all appreciate a gentle rain in the late summer or early fall after experiencing a few strong storms throughout the season! Soft rain has a way of calming everything down and refreshing our yards and gardens.

However, not all rain is calm and idyllic at this time of year. Severe weather is still a very real threat that can bring intense rain, strong wind and damaging hail. While we often are safe and dry under the comfort of our own roofs, sometimes the rain can fall too fast and force its way into our homes anyway.

Our SERVPRO of Sumter team wants you to stay dry and comfortable no matter what is going on outside, so check out our tips for avoiding lasting home damage when the rain comes pouring down.

The Dangers of Intense Rain

Rain can cause all kinds of trouble in our area, including thunderstorms, flash flooding and the residual effects from hurricanes. It can pose trouble for any roads or low-lying areas in a matter of minutes, so staying aware of your surroundings is crucial. Heavy rain can even cause landslides that sweep away trees, cars and homes.

While you can’t prevent Mother Nature from doing her thing, you can prepare in advance to help minimize damages and keep your family safe. Stay connected to local authorities and start making plans as soon as a watch or warning is issued.

Tips for Staying Safe

Getting your home ready and preparing your family should always be at the top of your priority list whenever there is the chance of intense rain. Flash floods can develop quickly, so head for home as soon as a warning is issued. Avoid low areas and any nearby drainage ditches on your travels. Once home, do a quick tidy of your yard and secure down anything that could be swept away by the water, including trampolines, lawn furniture and propane tanks.

Prepare the lowest level of your home just in case water does start flowing in. Get the most fragile materials and possessions up to a higher room and turn off the electricity just to be safe. If the rain does start leaking in, stay calm and stay above the water line. Once the storm or threat has passed, call us right away.

Steps for Staying Dry in the Future

Once we have done our thing and dried, cleaned and sanitized your home, it is time to reflect on your situation and make some changes. While not every flood situation is preventable, there are some things you can do to prevent it from happening in the future. If you live in a low-lying area or always seem to have a flooded basement after a storm, grading your property can help naturally move rainwater down and away from your foundation.

You can also invest in home equipment like a sump pump to help you stay dry. Sump pumps automatically kick on when excess water is present in the area around your home and they will pump water from around your foundation and push it back up to the surface. This helpful pump can be a great backup if the rain is falling too fast for your gutters to keep up.

Remember that our team is here for you whenever you need us. Contact us for a full restoration that includes damage repair and sanitization to prevent a mold infestation.

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

Catching a Water Leak Early | SERVPRO® of Sumter

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”bucket” alt = " blue bucket in the middle of the living area catching water falling from the ceiling ” > Think you may have water damage in your home? Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Sumter to find the source.

Water damage can be really frustrating to deal with. Once it starts, it can spread quickly and without much warning. It can also stay hidden and cause destruction behind the scenes until it becomes large enough to be noticeable.

Because of all of these unpleasant qualities, recognizing and stopping water damage as soon as it starts is one of the best prevention strategies when it comes to widespread damage.

Our SERVPRO of Sumter team wants you to avoid water damage as much as possible, so read on to learn the most common areas for water troubles in your home below.

Your roof. How often do you get on your roof to look for damage? Chances are that you don’t do it as often as you should, which increases your risk of experiencing a leak at any time.

A roof leak can cause obvious and large-scale damage in a single event, or it can start slowly and leak down your walls over an extended period of time.

If this happens, you are vulnerable to water damage virtually everywhere! It can seep down your ceiling, through your walls and into your floorboards. Once it settles in, moisture can linger and cause mold growth.

In your bathroom. This one may be obvious, but your bathrooms are at a uniquely high risk of experiencing water damage because of all of your bathroom futures. Sinks, toilets, showers and tubs all have water lines and pipes that can leak or malfunction at any time.

The best thing to do in these spaces is to check for puddled water or drips any time you are in the bathroom. It is also important to reduce the amount of moisture in the air by letting your bathroom dry out as often as possible.

Even though puddled water may seem like an obvious sign of water damage, a puddle could mean that the problem has been happening for a while and you are now just being alerted to it. Investigate quickly and thoroughly.

Other appliances. In addition to your bathroom fixtures, the appliances in your home also have the potential to leak on any given day. Whenever water flows through their pipes or your washing machine fills up with water to run a load, you are at risk of a water disaster.

If the leak is obvious, you can tend to it right away, but oftentimes it happens with a slow drip or a leak underneath the appliance. This can make it hard to recognize it immediately and act appropriately.

Pull your appliances away from the wall on occasion to check for water spots and mold growth and try to replace old or unreliable appliances when you can. Newer equipment can help your Sumter home stay dry day in and day out.

Dealing with a water emergency? Our SERVPRO specialists can be on the scene of the disaster ASAP to restore your water-damaged home!

Proper HVAC maintain will keep you cool and dry during the summer.

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Coming home to soaked carpet or ceiling damage isn’t fun. But it happens more often than you think. Here are some of the most common reasons your HVAC unit will leak inside your home. 


    Air Filters are easy to forget about. The average homeowner only changes their air filter 4 times a year, and if you forget…. bad things can happen. 


    A low refrigerant level can also cause your unit to freeze. Low refrigerant could be the sign of a refrigerant leak in your HVAC unit. 


     Your drain pan sits under your unit and catches and excess water created by your HVAC unit. If this pan accumulates dust or algae, it can cause the drain to be clogged. A clogged drain line will cause your pan to over flow which means dripping water and water damage.


Each HVAC unit has a drain line. Sometimes drain lines become disconnected and you start to notice puddles of water or water damage coming from your unit. 

The first thing you need to do is shut off your HVAC unit if any of this is happening then you want to call your service man to locate and fix the problem. After this has been done it is time for SERVPRO Professionals to come assess your damage from the water and dry your home properly. 

Even clear water can have contaminates on a microscopic level.

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

It is easy to just clean up the water and never consider the source. Contaminants hide everywhere. You may think that the water from the toilet bowl is fine to just clean up if no solids are present, however that is not always the case. Even daily cleanings of your toilet bowl can leave behind germs and bacteria. It is a known fact that the water in your bowl after you flush holds millions of bacteria. If you have an overflow these bacteria are now in your carpet and padding, or under your baseboards and soaking into your walls. 

The same is true from a water intrusion from a leak in ceiling or roof. The water passes through materials, such as insulation and drywall, that contaminate the water and leave behind bacteria. If insulation is left wet in your attic it can also promote growth. 

It is very important to have issues like these cleaned and dried by professionals. Let SERVPRO of Sumter help. 

When Your Business Is Affected By Water

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

If you have a water damage, time is everything. Contact your insurance company to file a claim.

Mold and Mildew will develop within 24 to 48 hours of water exposure. Even worse, it will continue

to grow until steps are taken to eliminate the source of moisture, and effectively deal with the mold

problem. Which will require mold treatment if it goes untreated you will have more serious issues.

If the structure has a climate control system, then turning up the temperature slightly can

help to keep water from condensing-allowing dry out work to proceed just a bit faster. It's very

important to keep the building sealed against exposure to outside air as possible.

A few common causes of commercial water damage.

~ Damaged Windows-In commercial buildings, water damage is often caused by windows that are

not properly sealed.

~ Damaged Pipes

~ Building Foundation

~ Roof Leaks

~ HVAC Problems

~ Sewer Clogs

~ Sprinkler System Leaks

~ Appliances and Equipment

~ Weather

A few facts about commercial water damage.

~ Mold can grow quickly after a water damage if left untreated

~ Problems are not fixed if the water has not been completely dried out

~ Different building materials require different cleaning methods

~ Water extraction is best when you have standing water

Tools needed after a water damage

Wet Vacuums - to remove standing water quickly

Air Movers and/or Dehumidifiers – to extract humid air

A Thermo-Hygrometer – to track humidity in a room

Pin and/or Pinless Moisture Meters – to track the moisture content of building materials

Rain Is Not Always A Good Thing

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

Often we do not think about the damage that can happen with storm events. Tornadoes, high winds, lightning strikes, and heavy rains can bring devastating damage to your home. And most of it can go undetected for some time.

A small leak in your roof from a displaced shingle during high winds can be a source of major damage down the road. From fallen ceilings due to moisture to growth on your joists and attic rafters. 

Heavy rains can also cause problems by entering your crawlspace or intruding through door and window seals. 

If you notice any kind of unexplained puddles in your home after a storm event, do not hesitate to have a professional come to scope the damage. It could save you thousands!!!!  

It is always important to make sure you look for any damage after a severe weather event. 

Don't hesitate, call today!

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-48 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.

Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

When a leak is discovered do not delay calling to get the clean up started.

A small roof leak could be the sign of a bigger problem

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

With all the rain that we have been experiencing lately can turn the smallest of roof leaks into a major problem.

As the water begins to run into the attic of the home it will begin to absorb into the insulation causing it to become heavy on the ceiling of the home. The added weight to the ceiling could cause it to become unstable causing it to fall damaging contents and flooring in the process. 

The water in the attic could also affected duct work,  electrical line, as well as any contents stored in the attic.

If a roof leak takes you be surprise, call the experts in water restoration at SERVPRO of Sumter so we can make your roof leak "Like it never even happened."

Don't let a roof leak rain on your parade.

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

With all the rain and thunderstorms that we have been experiencing lately can turn the smallest of roof leaks into a major problem.

As the water begins to run into the attic of the home it will begin to absorb into the insulation causing it to become heavy on the ceiling of the home. The added weight to the ceiling could cause it to become unstable causing it to fall damaging contents and flooring in the process. 

The water in the attic could also affected duct work,  electrical lines, as well as any contents stored in the attic.

If a roof leak takes you be surprise, call the experts in water restoration at SERVPRO of Sumter so we can make your roof leak "Like it never even happened."

Small leaks can become large expenses

2/8/2022 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-72 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.

Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

When a leak is discovered do not delay calling to get the clean up started.

Not maintaining your HVAC can run into problems.

7/19/2021 (Permalink)

Coming home to soaked carpet or ceiling damage isn’t fun. But it happens more often than you think. Here are some of the most common reasons your HVAC unit will leak inside your home. 


    Air Filters are easy to forget about. The average homeowner only changes their air filter 4 times a year, and if you forget…. bad things can happen. 


    A low refrigerant level can also cause your unit to freeze. Low refrigerant could be the sign of a refrigerant leak in your HVAC unit. 


     Your drain pan sits under your unit and catches and excess water created by your HVAC unit. If this pan accumulates dust or algae, it can cause the drain to be clogged. A clogged drain line will cause your pan to over flow which means dripping water and water damage.


Each HVAC unit has a drain line. Sometimes drain lines become disconnected and you start to notice puddles of water or water damage coming from your unit. 

The first thing you need to do is shut off your HVAC unit if any of this is happening then you want to call your service man to locate and fix the problem. After this has been done it is time for SERVPRO Professionals to come assess your damage from the water and dry your home properly. 

Even clear water can have contaminates.

6/9/2021 (Permalink)

It is easy to just clean up the water and never consider the source. Contaminants hide everywhere. You may think that the water from the toilet bowl is fine to just clean up if no solids are present, however that is not always the case. Even daily cleanings of your toilet bowl can leave behind germs and bacteria. It is a known fact that the water in your bowl after you flush holds millions of bacteria. If you have an overflow these bacteria are now in your carpet and padding, or under your baseboards and soaking into your walls. 

The same is true from a water intrusion from a leak in ceiling or roof. The water passes through materials, such as insulation and drywall, that contaminate the water and leave behind bacteria. If insulation is left wet in your attic it can also promote growth. 

It is very important to have issues like these cleaned and dried by professionals. Let SERVPRO of Sumter help. 

Water Damage can com from anywhere.

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Often we do not think about the damage that can happen with storm events. Tornadoes, high winds, lightning strikes, and heavy rains can bring devastating damage to your home. And most of it can go undetected for some time.

A small leak in your roof from a displaced shingle during high winds can be a source of major damage down the road. From fallen ceilings due to moisture to growth on your joists and attic rafters. 

Heavy rains can also cause problems by entering your crawlspace or intruding through door and window seals. 

If you notice any kind of unexplained puddles in your home after a storm event, do not hesitate to have a professional come to scope the damage. It could save you thousands!!!!  

It is always important to make sure you look for any damage after a severe weather event. 

Act Fast, It is Not Just a Leak!

3/3/2021 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-48 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.

Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

When a leak is discovered do not delay calling to get the clean up started.

Rain Can Be Trouble For Your Roof

3/3/2021 (Permalink)

With all the rain that we have been experiencing lately can turn the smallest of roof leaks into a major problem.

As the water begins to run into the attic of the home it will begin to absorb into the insulation causing it to become heavy on the ceiling of the home. The added weight to the ceiling could cause it to become unstable causing it to fall damaging contents and flooring in the process. 

The water in the attic could also affected duct work,  electrical line, as well as any contents stored in the attic.

If a roof leak takes you be surprise, call the experts in water restoration at SERVPRO of Sumter so we can make your roof leak "Like it never even happened."

A small leak may equal big problems.

2/9/2021 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-72 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.

Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

When a leak is discovered do not delay calling to get the clean up started.

Small leaks in your roof a large amount of interior damage.

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Ceiling that fell in from roof leak Ceiling that fell in from roof leak

With all the rain and thunderstorms that we have been experiencing lately can turn the smallest of roof leaks into a major problem.

As the water begins to run into the attic of the home it will begin to absorb into the insulation causing it to become heavy on the ceiling of the home. The added weight to the ceiling could cause it to become unstable causing it to fall damaging contents and flooring in the process. 

The water in the attic could also affected duct work,  electrical lines, as well as any contents stored in the attic.

If a roof leak takes you be surprise, call the experts in water restoration at SERVPRO of Sumter so we can make your roof leak "Like it never even happened."

Time Is Money

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Any water loss is scary and stressful, but when it happens to a business it can cause lost hours of operation. We have all the term "Time is money", and for businesses and water damages it rings true. 

In just minutes, water can travel the distance through ceilings, attics, and under flooring. In hours, the dampness and standing water can cause ceiling collapses, vinyl bubbling, and carpet delamination. Now all this damage on top of losing revenue is a big deal to all businesses. 

Not all damage can be seen until its too late for restoration, and time replacement. Once replacement is involved, repairs for a business can skyrocket. Most businesses never reopen after a disaster. 

Something else to consider is the structural integrity of a building. If the situation is not handled promptly, efficiently, and correctly, the building itself can become compromised.

Do not hesitate to call us! Even if you are not sure of extent of the damage, our professionals can come in and assess the situation for you and hopefully prevent any drastic down time for your business. 

HVAC tips to help save you money.

7/13/2020 (Permalink)

Air Handler Air handler.

Coming home to soaked carpet or ceiling damage isn’t fun. But it happens more often than you think. Here are some of the most common reasons your HVAC unit will leak inside your home. 


    Air Filters are easy to forget about. The average homeowner only changes their air filter 4 times a year, and if you forget…. bad things can happen. 


    A low refrigerant level can also cause your unit to freeze. Low refrigerant could be the sign of a refrigerant leak in your HVAC unit. 


     Your drain pan sits under your unit and catches and excess water created by your HVAC unit. If this pan accumulates dust or algae, it can cause the drain to be clogged. A clogged drain line will cause your pan to over flow which means dripping water and water damage.


Each HVAC unit has a drain line. Sometimes drain lines become disconnected and you start to notice puddles of water or water damage coming from your unit. 

The first thing you need to do is shut off your HVAC unit if any of this is happening then you want to call your service man to locate and fix the problem. After this has been done it is time for SERVPRO Professionals to come assess your damage from the water and dry your home properly. 

A roof drip can cause a ceiling drop.

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

It is easy to just clean up the water and never consider the source. Contaminants hide everywhere. You may think that the water from the toilet bowl is fine to just clean up if no solids are present, however that is not always the case. Even daily cleanings of your toilet bowl can leave behind germs and bacteria. It is a known fact that the water in your bowl after you flush holds millions of bacteria. If you have an overflow these bacteria are now in your carpet and padding, or under your baseboards and soaking into your walls. 

The same is true from a water intrusion from a leak in ceiling or roof. The water passes through materials, such as insulation and drywall, that contaminate the water and leave behind bacteria. If insulation is left wet in your attic it can also promote growth. 

It is very important to have issues like these cleaned and dried by professionals. Let SERVPRO of Sumter help. 

Damage to Local Businesses During Storm Events

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

Wet carpet in a local business from water intrusion caused by rain and storms with drying equipment placed. Wet carpet in a local business from water intrusion caused by rain and storms with drying equipment placed.

Often we do not think about the damage that can happen with storm events. Tornadoes, high winds, lightning strikes, and heavy rains can bring devastating damage to your home. And most of it can go undetected for some time.

A small leak in your roof from a displaced shingle during high winds can be a source of major damage down the road. From fallen ceilings due to moisture to growth on your joists and attic rafters. 

Heavy rains can also cause problems by entering your crawlspace or intruding through door and window seals. 

If you notice any kind of unexplained puddles in your home after a storm event, do not hesitate to have a professional come to scope the damage. It could save you thousands!!!!  

It is always important to make sure you look for any damage after a severe weather event. 

A small leak is a big deal

3/9/2020 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-48 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.

Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

When a leak is discovered do not delay calling to get the clean up started.

Leaking roofs can leave you with your hands full

3/6/2020 (Permalink)

With all the rain that we have been experiencing lately can turn the smallest of roof leaks into a major problem.

As the water begins to run into the attic of the home it will begin to absorb into the insulation causing it to become heavy on the ceiling of the home. The added weight to the ceiling could cause it to become unstable causing it to fall damaging contents and flooring in the process. 

The water in the attic could also affected duct work,  electrical line, as well as any contents stored in the attic.

If a roof leak takes you be surprise, call the experts in water restoration at SERVPRO of Sumter so we can make your roof leak "Like it never even happened."

Commercial Water Loss in Sumter

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

A business cafeteria that suffered a broken a pipe in the ceiling has extended damage to painted walls, and ceilings. A business cafeteria that suffered a broken a pipe in the ceiling has extended damage to painted walls, and ceilings.

Any water loss is scary and stressful, but when it happens to a business it can cause lost hours of operation. We have all the term "Time is money", and for a business it rings true. 

In just minutes, water can travel the distance through ceilings, attics, and under flooring. In hours, the dampness and standing water can cause ceiling collapses, vinyl bubbling, and carpet delamination. Now all this damage on top of losing revenue is a big deal to all businesses. 

Not all damage can be seen until its too late for restoration, and time replacement. Once replacement is involved, repairs for a business can skyrocket. Most businesses never reopen after a disaster. 

Something else to consider is the structural integrity of a building. If the situation is not handled promptly, efficiently, and correctly, the building itself can become compromised.

Do not hesitate to call us! Even if you are not sure of extent of the damage, our professionals can come in and assess the situation for you and hopefully prevent any drastic down time for your business. 

Water Damage is Not Always Visible

7/8/2019 (Permalink)

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-48 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.
Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

Coverage is not always obvious or intuitive, so be sure to check your policy carefully and confirm coverage with your adjuster (this is not the same person who sold you the policy). 

HVAC Leaks Go Along With Summer Heat

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

A collapsed ceiling after a HVAC pan leak in the attic.

Coming home to soaked carpet or ceiling damage isn’t fun. But it happens more often than you think. Here are some of the most common reasons your HVAC unit will leak inside your home. 


    Air Filters are easy to forget about. The average homeowner only changes their air filter 4 times a year, and if you forget…. bad things can happen. 


    A low refrigerant level can also cause your unit to freeze. Low refrigerant could be the sign of a refrigerant leak in your HVAC unit. 


     Your drain pan sits under your unit and catches and excess water created by your HVAC unit. If this pan accumulates dust or algae, it can cause the drain to be clogged. A clogged drain line will cause your pan to over flow which means dripping water and water damage.


Each HVAC unit has a drain line. Sometimes drain lines become disconnected and you start to notice puddles of water or water damage coming from your unit. 

The first thing you need to do is shut off your HVAC unit if any of this is happening then you want to call your service man to locate and fix the problem. After this has been done it is time for SERVPRO Professionals to come assess your damage from the water and dry your home properly. 

Unexpected Water Damage From Storm Events

5/31/2019 (Permalink)

A recent water damage in Sumter, SC

Often we do not think about the damage that can happen with storm events. Tornadoes, high winds, lightning strikes, and heavy rains can bring devastating damage to your home. And most of it can go undetected for some time.

A small leak in your roof from a displaced shingle during high winds can be a source of major damage down the road. From fallen ceilings due to moisture to growth on your joists and attic rafters. 

Heavy rains can also cause problems by entering your crawlspace or intruding through door and window seals. 

If you notice any kind of unexplained puddles in your home after a storm event, do not hesitate to have a professional come to scope the damage. It could save you thousands!!!!  

It is always important to make sure you look for any damage after a severe weather event. 

Rain and WInds Can Bring Damage That Go Undetected

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

Storms blew the shingles from this roof and the elements were coming in for some time.

Storm damage can go undetected for some time. It is very important to do routine inspections of your roof, spickets, and gutters to make sure they are not damaged from the elements. 

Shingles blowing loose during storms and high winds can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage in a very short time. The longer your roof goes unrepaired, the more the inside of your house is damaged. 

Inspections in the attic routinely are also a good idea. Especially if your house is built on a slab and your HVAC or your water heater are located in the attic. Leaks from drain pans and hoses can cause just as much damage in the attic, if not more, than if located on the ground floor of your home. 

Unseen Damages Caused By Water Leaks

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

A busted water line in the attic of this home caused a lot of unseen damage.

A sudden busted pipe or slow leak can lead to thousands of dollars of damage. Just because you can not see the water does not mean it is not doing any harm. 

A leaking pipe in the attic can, over time, cause your ceilings to fall in. It can also sit and saturate your insulation and spread the damage to more areas that would not have previously been affected, not to mention the threat of mold. 

All it takes is a crack or hole in the floor covering to allow water to get between the floor covering and your subfloor. This can lead to soft floors, rotting joist, and if your house is on a crawlspace, wet insulation under your home. 

It is always important to know the extent of the water migration and SERVPRO of Sumter can be the difference between restoration or replacing. 

Commercial Water Loss in Marion, SC

11/19/2018 (Permalink)

Tear out performed at a commercial building after a water intrusion for the recent Hurricane.

After responding to as commercial water loss in Marion, SC out team of Professionals ran into a unique situation. While tearing out drywall that had been affected by the recent hurricane, our technicians found that the water was steadily coming down in between the wall cavity. 

Water is very destructive and just because you can not see the damage does not mean it is not there. We can not stress enough the importance of having any water intrusion mitigated correctly. 

With the high humidity in our great state of South Carolina it is even more important to address a water intrusion correctly so that there is less chance for mold growth. Not doing so can lead to added expenses and health issues. Let our trained Professionals handle the stress for you!

You Do Not Have To Be "Under Water" To Need Us

7/3/2018 (Permalink)

Flood cut in a Sumter home after a pipe busted while the family was on vacation.

Mitigation means acting quickly to stop the damage from getting worse, without necessarily fixing the damage. The key to storm mitigation is stopping water leaks and minor flooding so materials can dry within 24-48 hours. This prevents the further damage of structural weakening or wood rot, and stops the growth of mold on damp surfaces.
Even while it is still raining or an active leak is present, there are ways to mitigate the damage. The key is to not wait. Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like "minor" water damage from leaks and other water intrusions can turn into major problems over time – and need to be addressed immediately.

Coverage is not always obvious or intuitive, so be sure to check your policy carefully and confirm coverage with your adjuster (this is not the same person who sold you the policy). 

Summer Is the Season for HVAC Leaks

6/12/2018 (Permalink)

HVAC unit that caused ceiling and flooring damage after a drain pan overflow.

Coming home to soaked carpet or ceiling damage isn’t fun. But it happens more often than you think. Here are some of the most common reasons your HVAC unit will leak inside your home. 


    Air Filters are easy to forget about. The average homeowner only changes their air filter 4 times a year, and if you forget…. bad things can happen. 


    A low refrigerant level can also cause your unit to freeze. Low refrigerant could be the sign of a refrigerant leak in your HVAC unit. 


     Your drain pan sits under your unit and catches and excess water created by your HVAC unit. If this pan accumulates dust or algae, it can cause the drain to be clogged. A clogged drain line will cause your pan to over flow which means dripping water and water damage.


Each HVAC unit has a drain line. Sometimes drain lines become disconnected and you start to notice puddles of water or water damage coming from your unit. 

The first thing you need to do is shut off your HVAC unit if any of this is happening then you want to call your service man to locate and fix the problem. After this has been done it is time for SERVPRO Professionals to come asses your damage from the water and dry your home properly. 

It is More Than Just a Roof Leak

5/29/2018 (Permalink)

Black water is nothing to mess with.

It is easy to just clean up the water and never consider the source. Contaminants hide everywhere. You may think that the water from the toilet bowl is fine to just clean up if no solids are present, however that is not always the case. Even daily cleanings of your toilet bowl can leave behind germs and bacteria. It is a known fact that the water in your bowl after you flush holds millions of bacteria. If you have an overflow these bacteria are now in your carpet and padding, or under your baseboards and soaking into your walls. 

The same is true from a water intrusion from a leak in ceiling or roof. The water passes through materials, such as insulation and drywall, that contaminate the water and leave behind bacteria. If insulation is left wet in your attic it can also promote growth. 

It is very important to have issues like these cleaned and dried by professionals. Let SERVPRO of Sumter help. 

Water Damage Tips

3/6/2018 (Permalink)

Here are some helpful tips from SERVPRO® of Sumter:

Emergency Water Damage Tips

  • Shut off the water source if possible.
  •  Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture legs.
  • Hang furs and leather goods separately at room temperature.
  • Remove Oriental or other colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Do not use a regular vacuum to remove water.
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of areas where ceilings are sagging from retained water.
  • Do not leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpeting.

 Water Damage Services

  • Emergency Response: Reduce Loss Severity/Pretesting for Restorability.
  • Contents Cleaning Specialists: On-Site or Move Out.
  • Structural Restoration Services.
  • Large Loss Completion with Trained Crew Leaders

Do Not Delay, Call Today

3/1/2018 (Permalink)

Category 1 – Also known as Clean Water, this category of water is sanitary water, with no contaminants at the source, and poses no major health risks to you or your family. You can drink it, wash with it, or (if it is steaming), you can inhale it safely. Most of the water that comes into your home will be Category 1 until it leaves its source, either a supply line, an appliance, or melting snow or rain. Category 1 water may also be referred to as "Clear Water."

Once clear water has left its source for a prolonged period of time, however, it can quickly become contaminated and deteriorate to Category 2, gray water or Catergory 3, black water. Water with a foul odor is a good indicator that it has been mixed with soil or other pollutants.

That is why it is important to call us as soon as the water intrusion has been identified. If it sits too long, the floor coverings and cabinets may not be able to be restored. We are in the restoration business after all.

Commercial Water Loss

11/14/2017 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Loss

What would you do if you came to work and was faced with this ?  Hopefully call SERVPRO like this business did! 

Upon entering this multi-shop business, this owner found that they were all affected by a pipe bursting sometime overnight.  They called us to start extraction and drying process in an effort to stop any further damage to their property.

As in any Business, time is money, and the longer they stayed closed, the more business they were losing.  We cannot stress the importance in time is critical when dealing with a water loss.  The longer water sits, the more damage it is creating.

We are usually able to arrive on site within an hour, until then, use these tips to help -